Contacts Us


+92 021 32640445


Mr. Syed Muhammad Ali
Company Secretary & Executive Officer

Ms. Fadia Khan
Directrice Commerciale


Office 1421, 15th Floor,
BRR Tower, I.I Chundrigar Road,
Karachi, Pakistan.

Working Hours/Days

9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday to Friday

PFBA Documents

Membership Form

PFBA is a member based forum, for membership 

SECP Licence

PFBA is a licence forum under section 42 of the companies Act, 2017. 

NTN Certificate

PFBA is registered under Income Tax Ordiance 2001, Please click here to download NTN from FBR

CCI France Profile

PFBA is a member of CCI France International, Paris. Please click here to download details

Follow Us

We at Pakistan France Business Alliance(PFBA) are fully aware of the fact that in this modern day and age connectivity is the key. Hence, we keep striving for this through various social media forums. Please follow us on social media and do provide your valuable comments.